For all of the history buffs out there William J Bennett's A Century Turns: New Hope New Fears is a must read.  This thought provoking book explores politics from from the terms of president Bush the elder up to the inauguration of our now president Obama.  I was in high school when Bush was elected and more interested in my life than the history that was unfolding around me.  This book took me back to the original Gulf war and all the way to the current war.  I have changed a few opinions and looked at our current war in a different light thanks to Mr. Bennett. 

The Noticer by Andy Andrews is a great reading experience.  Jones has the gift of perspective.  He notices the things that others don't.  With this gift the old man enters the life of people in a small town, who have found themselves in desperate painful places, and shows them a new perspective.

I couldn't put this book down and read it all in one sitting.  The lesson Mr. Andrews teaches on perspective is one we would all do well to learn.  I definitely suggest this for your reading lists.

Okay so we are two weeks into our needs based lifestyle and already we are having issues with needs vs wants.  We tell the kids "count your blessings", "starving kids in Africa..." ect. ect.  But I think someone needs to tell the adults in our house the same things.  Are new pots and pans a need or a want, how about dove chocolate covered almonds (need in my book), new uniforms for work (definatley a want)?

As I was studying Philipians the last week or so one verse just kept jumping out at me (I love it when God talks to me).  Bet you can't guess wich one...

I am not saying this because I am in need, for I have learned to be content in whatever circumstances I am.  I know how to get along with humble means, and I also know how to live in prosperity; in any and every circumstance I have learned the secrect of being filled and going hungry, both of having abundance and suffering need.  Philipians 4:11-12

Surprised?  Probably not.  But it wasn't the content part that spoke to me.  It was the fact that Paul says in verse 11 that he had LEARNED to be content.  I have read this verse a thousand times and that was the first time I saw the word learned.   I am so relieved to know that contentment is a learned skill.  I have been sitting here waiting on God to smite me with a big ol' dose of contentment and He wants me to learn it.  Will it be easy?  Nope, but I can do all things through Him who strengthens me.

So I guess this next year is my families time to learn to be content in all circumstances.  Maybe next year too ( some of us around here, namely me, will probably need to be put in the remedial class).  Your prayers are always welcome.  Also if you have learned any lessons in contentment and would like to pass them on please leave a comment.  I read them all.